eCommerce is incredibly important in today’s world. A large number of people are buying everything online, from small items like pens to big ones like planes. This shift to online shopping is not just a passing trend; it’s a big change that’s here to stay, changing how we shop in a big way.

Online shopping is transforming the retail industry by making digital interactions powerful business tools. With eCommerce, companies can reach customers worldwide, offer personalized shopping experiences, and use data to improve their services. Companies that embrace this digital shift are seeing great benefits, like reaching more customers and boosting sales.

However, starting an eCommerce app or website can be daunting. You need to know a lot about the technical and business sides. From choosing the right technology to ensuring your website is easy to use, building a successful eCommerce platform requires much knowledge and effort.

In this guide, we will help you understand why e-commerce is so important and what you need to remember when starting an e-commerce business. We’ll talk about cost of developing ecommerce websites and apps, choosing the right technologies, and marketing strategies to help you succeed. So why wait? Keep reading to learn how to start an eCommerce business in 2024!

Why Starting An eCommerce Business In 2024?

Starting an eCommerce business today is a great idea. The eCommerce market is expected to make $5.5 trillion by 2027, with sales making up 23% of all retail sales worldwide. By 2025, around 2.77 billion people are expected to shop online. In 2023 alone, the U.S. eCommerce market earned $925.4 billion.

Six out of ten shopping journeys now start online. With over five billion internet users worldwide, more people are shopping online every day. In 2024, retail eCommerce sales are expected to go over $6.3 trillion worldwide and keep growing in the coming years.

Here are a few reasons why starting an eCommerce business is smart:

  • Huge Market Potential: With billions of online shoppers and growing sales, there is a massive opportunity to reach customers worldwide.
  • Low Starting Costs: Starting an eCommerce store can be more affordable, with lower overhead costs, than traditional stores.
  • Flexibility: Manage your business effectively from anywhere, at any time, giving you more freedom and control over your schedule.
  • Data Insights: eCommerce platforms provide valuable data on customer behavior, helping you improve your products and services.

Understanding eCommerce Business Models

Selecting the appropriate eCommerce model is essential in the world of online business. Every model has unique qualities and advantages that enable companies to serve their target market efficiently. Let’s examine the B2C, B2B, C2C, and D2C eCommerce business models.

1. Business to Consumer (B2C) 

The most popular eCommerce model is B2C. It is all about selling goods or services to specific consumers directly. Consider your go-to internet retailers for food, electronics, and clothing. B2C is all about giving regular users an amazing and consistent purchasing experience.

2. Business to Business (B2B)

Businesses offer goods or services to other companies under the B2B model. Anything from office supplies to large quantities of manufacturing materials could fall under this category. B2B transactions prioritize efficiency and solid commercial partnerships, mainly including significant quantities and prices.

3. Customers to Customers (C2C) 

C2C refers to sales made by individuals to other individuals, primarily through internet marketplaces such as Craigslist or eBay. With this concept, consumers can purchase and sell handcrafted things, collectables, and secondhand goods. It’s an excellent method for vendors to connect with a large customer base without having a physical presence.

4. Customers directly (D2C)

Manufacturers who offer their goods directly to customers (D2C) do so by bypassing established merchants. This concept gives firms better control over their pricing, brand, and customer experience.

Steps You Can Take To Start An Online eCommerce Business

Starting an eCommerce business doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these simple steps, you can get your eCommerce store up and running in no time.

Step 1: Define Your Niche

Choosing a specific niche can help your business stand out and attract loyal customers. A niche is a focused segment of the market. For example, you could specialize in shoe horns for toddlers instead of selling all types of shoes. This helps you avoid high competition and cater to a specific audience. To find your niche, look at market trends, think about your interests and expertise, and see what products people need.

Step 2: Conduct Market Research

Market research is essential to understand what your customers want and what your competitors are doing. Start by looking at online trends, reading customer reviews, and conducting surveys. This will help you find out what products are popular, what people are looking for, and where there are gaps in the market. Knowing your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses will also help you create a better business plan.

Step 3: Create a Business Plan

A business plan is like a roadmap for your eCommerce business. It should include your business’s mission, the type of products or services you will offer, and who your target customers are. It should also have a marketing plan to attract customers, a logistics plan for handling inventory and shipping, and a financial plan with your budget and sales projections. A clear business plan will help you stay organized and focused.

Step 4: Choose the Right Business Model

The number of customers that you attract and the amount of money you make will be determined by the business model. Popular eCommerce models include Business-to-Consumer (B2C), where you sell products directly to individual customers, and Business-to-Business (B2B), where you sell products to other businesses. There’s also Direct-to-Consumer (D2C), where you sell directly to customers without any middlemen. Choose a model that fits your products and target market.

Step 5: Select a Reliable eCommerce Platform

An eCommerce platform is the software that will power your online store. Popular options include Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento. Shopify is great for beginners because it’s easy to use and has lots of templates. WooCommerce is a good choice if you want more customization options and already have a WordPress site. Magento is best for larger businesses with complex needs. Choose a platform that aligns with your business size and technical skills.

How Much Does It Cost To Start An eCommerce Business?

How Much Does It Cost To Start An eCommerce Business

While there are many factors affecting the cost of starting an eCommerce business (web and app), the prices primarily range between $10,000 – $3,00,000. The reasons behind these fluctuations are the choice of platform for the eCommerce development company and much more. When analyzing the many factors on how to start an eCommerce store, the cost breakdown should be at the top of your list. Factors that affect the cost are:

1. Project Scope

The size and complexity of your eCommerce project play a crucial role in determining the cost. Are you looking for a basic online store or a complex platform with multiple categories, payment options, and custom features? The more detailed and extensive your project, the higher the cost will be. 

2. Choice of Platform – Web/App

Choosing between a web-based platform or a mobile app significantly affects your budget. A web platform might be less expensive initially, but if your target audience prefers shopping on their phones, an app might be more beneficial. While developing both is the best choice for your eCommerce business, it will also increase the cost. It’s all about knowing where your customers are and meeting them there.

3. Complexity and Features

The more advanced features you want, the higher the cost. Basic eCommerce platforms with simple product listings and checkout processes cost less than those with advanced search functions, user accounts, wish lists, and personalized recommendations. It’s like choosing between a basic car and a luxury model—the better the model, the higher the price.

4. Use of Technology

The technology stack you choose for starting an eCommerce business is another primary factor that will impact the cost. Open-source platforms like WooCommerce or Magento can be cheaper but require more customization. Proprietary platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce might have higher upfront costs but offer more straightforward setup and maintenance. However, it’s vital that the choice of technology must align with your business goals and technical capabilities.

5. Development Team & Location

Where your development team is located can significantly influence costs. Hiring a local team might be more expensive compared to outsourcing to countries with lower development costs. However, communication and quality should also be considered. A highly skilled team, whether local or international, will deliver better results and potentially save costs in the long run by avoiding mistakes and ensuring a smooth launch.

6. Deployment Costs

Getting your eCommerce site live involves costs beyond development. Hosting, domain registration, and SSL certificates are essential for web platforms. For apps, you’ll need to consider app store registration fees and potential cloud services for data storage. These costs seem small individually, but they add up and should be part of your budget plan.

7. Maintenance & Updates

It’s imperative to understand that your journey with your eCommerce business begins once the development process ends. Regular maintenance, security updates, and adding new features are ongoing costs. Neglecting these can lead to issues that might cost more to fix later. It’s like maintaining a tool —regular check-ups and servicing keep it running smoothly and extend its lifespan.

Tips For Starting An eCommerce Business

Starting an eCommerce business is a rewarding journey! However, ensuring that you are doing everything right and that it is running smoothly is the most critical aspect. Following  are some helpful tips to get you started for your eCommerce business :

1. Know Your Market

Understanding your market is critical. Research your target audience to know their needs and preferences. This allows you to develop your products and marketing strategies effectively. The better you know your customers, the more you can meet their expectations.

2. Choose the Right Platform 

Selecting the right platform is crucial for your eCommerce store. Whether it’s Shopify, WooCommerce, or a custom solution, make sure it suits your needs. The right platform will provide the necessary tools and features to run your business smoothly.

3. Focus on User Experience 

Your eCommerce platform be it an app or website should be easy to navigate. Customers should find what they need quickly and check out smoothly. A good user experience keeps customers happy and encourages them to come back.

4. Quality Product Images and Descriptions 

High-quality images and accurate product descriptions are essential. They give customers a clear idea of what they’re buying. Good visuals and information can significantly boost your sales and reduce returns.

5. Secure Payment Options 

Providing secure and multiple payment options builds trust with your customers. Ensure their payment details are safe with you. A secure checkout process is crucial for customer confidence and repeat business.

6. Mobile Optimization 

A lot of shopping happens on mobile devices. Make sure your eCommerce site is mobile-friendly. A mobile-optimized site ensures that customers can shop easily from their phones, leading to more sales.

7. Marketing and SEO

Promote your eCommerce store through social media platforms, email marketing, and SEO. By incorporating these strategies, you can increase your online presence and attract more traffic. Effective marketing brings more customers to your site.

8. Customer Support 

Excellent customer support sets you apart from competitors. By making the best use of live chat, email, and phone support, your customers have continuous assistance. Good customer service makes shoppers feel valued and encourages them to return.

9. Monitor and Adapt

Keep an eye on your eCommerce platform’s performance and be ready to adapt. Use analytics to understand what’s working and what’s not. Staying flexible and open to change helps you continuously improve and succeed.

How To Register An eCommerce Business?

Starting an eCommerce business is a lucrative venture that can open up a world of possibilities. However, before you can begin selling products online, it’s essential to properly register your business. With the help of the following steps, you can easily set up your eCommerce business, ensuring you are starting right.

1. Select a Name for Your Business

Choose a distinctive and easy-to-remember name for your online store. Verify that it has yet to be taken by looking through internet databases. A good name makes your company stand out to potential clients.

2. Get a Domain Registration

Register a domain name after you’ve decided on a business name. This will be the URL of your website. To make it simple for clients to locate you online, select a domain name that corresponds with your company name.

3. Select an Organisational Structure

Select the legal framework for your company. Single proprietorship, partnership, LLC, and corporation are popular choices. Select the one that best fits your needs, as each has unique advantages and specifications.

4. Acquire the Required Licences and Permits

Obtain the licenses and permits required for your lawful operation. These changes are based on where you live and the kinds of goods you offer. To find out the exact requirements, get in touch with the local government agencies.

5. Enrol in Taxes

The IRS provides you with an Employer Identification Number (EIN). This will be necessary for tax purposes. Register for municipal and state taxes as well. This guarantees that you abide by all tax laws.

6. Create a Bank Account for Your Business

Create a corporate bank account to separate your personal and business finances. This will facilitate tracking your business spending and money management and give your company more credibility.

What Is The Future Of eCommerce Business?

The future of eCommerce is incredibly promising, driven by rapid technological advancements and evolving consumer behaviors. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are set to transform the industry by providing highly personalized shopping experiences, improving customer service through chatbots, and optimizing inventory management. Integrating augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will further enhance the online shopping experience, allowing customers to visualize products in their own environments before purchasing. Additionally, the increasing dominance of mobile commerce means that businesses will need to prioritize mobile-friendly designs and seamless app experiences to cater to the growing number of smartphone shoppers.

Sustainability and ethical practices are also gaining importance, as consumers become more conscious of environmental and social impacts. eCommerce businesses must adopt eco-friendly practices, such as sustainable packaging and ethical sourcing, to meet these demands. The rise of social commerce, where shopping is integrated into social media platforms, is creating new opportunities for businesses to engage with customers and drive sales. Global eCommerce is expanding as well, with improved logistics and cross-border payment solutions making it easier for businesses to reach international markets. Overall, the future of eCommerce is characterized by innovation, customer-centric strategies, and a commitment to sustainability, ensuring continued growth and evolution in the industry.

How Can EmizenTech Help?

If you are wondering how to start an eCommerce business, then your search ends here with us at EmizenTech. EmizenTech is one of the leading eCommerce development companies that provides solutions for both the web and app. As one of the best eCommerce service providers, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. Our expert team of developers has successfully developed hundreds of eCommerce platforms, using the latest technologies to deliver cutting-edge solutions. We understand the intricacies of the market and tailor-make our services to meet your specific needs. This allows your business to stand out in the highly competitive eCommerce landscape. Our commitment to high quality and innovation ensures that your eCommerce platform meets and exceeds industry standards.

At EmizenTech, we offer a variety of pricing options to suit different budgets, making top-notch eCommerce development accessible to businesses of all sizes. Our comprehensive approach covers everything from initial planning and design to deployment and ongoing support. We focus on creating user-friendly, scalable, and secure eCommerce solutions that boost sales and enhance customer satisfaction. By choosing EmizenTech, you are not just getting an eCommerce service provider; you are gaining a partner dedicated to your success. Our extensive experience and our use of advanced technology position us as the ideal choice for developing a robust and competitive eCommerce platform.


In today’s digital age, starting an eCommerce business is the need of the hour. Before you analyze how to develop an eCommerce app for your business or how to start an eCommerce online store, gaining thorough knowledge is essential to ensure success. The journey involves considering numerous factors and overcoming various challenges, from choosing the right platform to implementing effective marketing strategies. However, with the help of eCommerce experts like EmizenTech, you can easily handle the many complexities. Our expertise in eCommerce development services like eCommerce Website development and eCommerce app development ensures that you understand everything there is to know about developing and running a successful online store.

Whether you’re looking to develop a web-based platform or a mobile app, we offer flexible pricing options that match best with your budget without compromising on quality. Partner with EmizenTech for your eCommerce development services and transform your business vision into a thriving reality. Contact us today to get started on your journey to eCommerce success!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the first steps to starting an eCommerce business in 2024?

Begin with market research to identify your niche, then create a solid business plan. Choose a business name, register your business, and set up a website or online store platform.

How much does it cost to start an eCommerce business?

Starting an eCommerce business typically costs between $10,000 and $300,000. This range covers website development, inventory, marketing, and operational expenses depending on the scale and complexity of the business.

Which platform should I use for my eCommerce store?

Popular platforms include Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. Choose one based on your budget, technical skills, and specific business needs.

How do I drive traffic to my new eCommerce site?

Utilize SEO, social media marketing, email campaigns, and paid advertising. Collaborate with influencers and consider offering promotions to attract initial customers.

What legal requirements should I be aware of?

Ensure you comply with local business laws, acquire necessary licenses, and adhere to tax regulations. It’s also crucial to have clear privacy policies and terms of service on your site.

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CTO at Emizentech and a member of the Forbes technology council, Amit Samsukha, is acknowledged by the Indian tech world as an innovator and community builder. He has a well-established vocation with 12+ years of progressive experience in the technology industry. He directs all product initiatives, worldwide sales and marketing, and business enablement. He has spearheaded the journey in the e-commerce landscape for various businesses in India and the U.S.
