The phrase “full-stack developer” was coined in the early days of computing, when websites were tiny and straightforward enough for a single individual to handle all aspects of site development. However, the web has become increasingly sophisticated in the generations since those early days. Technology, predictive computation, and responsive design have made it difficult — but not unattainable — for a single programmer to manage all aspects of developing and creating a website or application.

Does it feel true for you? If that’s the case, keep reading. This article will give you a thorough understanding of what full-stack web programmers are, what they can do, and where they belong in the software industry.

What Does “Full Stack” Mean?

Fullstack means

A full-stack platform corresponds to the total depth of an automated software solution, and full-stack programmers work at both the front and back- end of the requirement gathering phase. Something every user, or site visitor, may see and engage with is on the front end. On the other hand, the back end refers to the application’s servers, archives, and other operational processes; the end-user seldom engages with this domain directly.

Simply said, full-stack programmers are the software world’s Swiss army knives. They can smoothly switch from one application development to another. An inquisitive mind drives full-stack developers to learn how and why things operate.

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What is a FullStack Developer?

Fullstack developer

 A full-stack programmer is not just a developer who just specializes in frontend or backend development. Full-stack development necessitates knowledge of frontend and backend platforms and a strong grasp of web applications. Full-stack developers are working on their front, backend, web service, data system, and Developer Tools (API); in other words, they engage with the entire software platform.

  • Their primary roles are as follows:
  • Obtaining client and stakeholder needs for the project
  • Examining project needs and coming up with answers
  • Creating user relationships
  • Databases and servers are available for inspecting code for bugs
  • Using computer systems to change codes
  • Using systematic testing procedures to solve problems
  • Optimization for several platforms

To be a professional full-stack developer, you’ll need a lot of expertise and a deep understanding of software engineering. Full-stack engineers are an unrivaled asset in a team because their expertise helps the overall performance of the software product. They fundamentally understand design, system administration, and software platforms.

FullStack Development Industry Overview

Google Trends: Worldwide 5-year comparison of Full Stack, Front End, & Back End

According to the US Bureau of Labor And Statistics, 854,000 full-stack programmer jobs will be available by 2024. Despite the availability of experienced frontend and backend programmers, the IT industry is progressively shifting its focus to full-stack development companies for their comprehensive solutions.

A full-stack developer’s career opportunities are far more varied and multi-dimensional than those of a frontend or backend designer. They assist firms in saving money by reducing overall operating expenses and investment in research and development while they fulfill many responsibilities in their team.

It is simple for even a full-stack designer to advance to senior roles. Another option is to change careers to more suited professions, such as senior computer programmers or principal computer programmers, which pay well. A primary development team evaluates, examines, and tests equipment systems to fix problems, whereas a senior computer programmer examines operations and creates data management. In the United States, the former makes an average of $132,158, whereas the other gets $157,688.

Step By Step Guide to Becoming a Full Stack Developer

Experts say it all boils down to your particular needs. Its first step would be to evaluate your current position in your profession and the business. Depending on your credentials and skills, categorize yourself. As you move toward your objective, this will assist you in establishing a realistic timeframe.

Step 1. Understand Your Experience Level

It is no surprise that your previous knowledge and educational credentials will assist you in making the shift. Determine where you fall in the beginner-expert range and what your objectives are.

  1. You could be classified as one of the following:
  2. You have little or no programming knowledge, yet you utilize websites and apps; you have no idea how they function, how they are built, or what the webpage is.
  3. You must be a staunch enthusiast. You’ve participated in small coding activities, appreciate computing fundamentals, recognize how application software functions, constructed simple internet sites before, and have a good grasp of HTML, CSS, PHP, and other software platforms.
  4. You’re an expert in your field. You’ve worked on the frontend or backend of a web application. You’re attempting to improve your talents to become a competent full-stack developer.

Step 2. Decide Your Goal or Path First

For the given purposes below, you might want to become a full-stack developer:

  • to work as a self-employed programmer
  • to work for a private company for other companies
  • to work for your ideal company
  • to create your applications

It’s critical to identify your interests and concerns so that you may select the appropriate processes and software.

Step 3. Know Tools & Skills You Need to Learn for Full Stack Developer

Computer & OS: You can’t write software without a system and the operating system that runs on it. You don’t need a high-end machine to practice web programming. You may use any mid-range notebook or personal computer. You could use MacOS, Microsoft (current version), or Linux as your computer system, whichever is most convenient for you.

Text Editor/Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Without a doubt, VSCode is suitable for the majority of situations and technologies. Sublime Text, Vim, and Atom are some of the other decent alternatives. Regarding IDEs, we have Visual Basic (ASP.NET or C#), Equinox, and Netbeans (Java).

Web Browser: These are the most popular web browsers among programmers. Chrome would be a fast browser that runs on a Supercharger (JavaScript engine). Safari, Edge, and Firefox are three other web pages to learn about the system.

Terminal: You’ll be utilizing the CLI and certain system operations. You can utilize the conventional or a third-party terminal for any web document. Bash, Zsh, Scripting, Git Bash, iTerm, and Hyper are viable possibilities.

Design (optional): This is not something that everyone should study. Companies have a staff dedicated to creating pictures, logos, and designs, but if you’re a frontend coder or independent, you may need to master Adobe XD, Photoshopping, Sketch, or Figma.

Start With HTML and CSS

The essential building elements of website designing are HTML and CSS. As a result, this will be the first thing you should understand about web programming.

  • HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language) (Semantic tags, doctype, attributes, etc.)
  • CSS Foundations Colors, typefaces, placement, box model, etc.
  • To align objects or create sections, use CSS Grid and Flexbox.
  • Custom CSS Properties For frontend developers, trajectories and transitions are essential.
Responsive Layouts

Your software should be readable and useful across various platforms, including smartphones, tablets, computers, iPads, and other devices with different screen sizes. As a result, learning how to create a responsive web design or structure is critical. Let’s have a look at some crucial things in this regard.

  • Discover how to configure the viewport
  • Dynamic content for responsive web design.
  • Stream Widths are measured in rem meters.
  • First and foremost, there would be mobile.
Custom Reusable CSS Components

It’s better to make your own flexible, modular CSS elements to utilize in your projects than to depend on massive CSS frameworks like Bootstrap. You design a component that is just required for the specific UI. Saas would be a CSS synthesizer that enhances the functionality and efficiency of regular CSS. Factors, nesting, and conditional expressions can eliminate CSS recurrence and increase efficiency.

CSS Frameworks

CSS frameworks would be less prominent than last year, but they are still quite important and beneficial for programmers who are not designers. There are several prominent CSS frameworks to choose from, some of which are listed here.

  • Bootstrap became the most widely used Web framework (Bootstrap 5 was just published).
  • Another platform that is growing in popularity would be Tailwind CSS, which is rather distinct from all the others.
  • Materialize would be a framework of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript founded on the design techniques.
  • Bulma is an open-source CSS framework that is versatile and efficient.
User Interface Design

It would benefit designers and programmers to improve their abilities by studying certain UI design concepts and practices. In the workplace, someone else could be handling this one for yourself, but it’s still a good idea to keep an eye on certain basic UI design elements.

  • Conflict and color 
  • White space
  • Measurements (sizing identical to other elements)
  • Arrangement of Images (According to the importance)
  • Calligraphy is the study of letters (Sizing, Text typefaces, etc.)

After mastering HTML and CSS, the next objective is to understand JavaScript. The following are some crucial JavaScript concepts to learn.

Essentials of JavaScript (variables, loops, arrays, functions, conditionals, etc.)

DOM (Document object model) clips, map, filtering, reduce, and other array operations JSON is a programming language that allows you to (JavaScript Object Notation) Requests made through HTTP to fetch GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

b) Some Important Tools

Frontend Tools
  • Bootstrap: Bootstrap would be an open-source website development framework that includes page layouts for navigational, typeface, and buttons, among other things. It has many fonts, colors, and designs to pick from here.
  • Angular.js: Angular.js helps us express the elements of your project by employing HTML language and frameworks.
  • Foundation: It would be a CSS framework that would be used to increase interface design potentially.
  • Python: Python would be a beginner-friendly general-purpose language of programming that aids utilitarian and object-oriented computing while focusing on scripting languages.
  • JavaScript: Javascript framework for prototyping and object orientation. It aids in the creation of interactive sites for all types of devices.
  • Elixir: Elixir would be an Erlang-based language of programming. Its purpose is to create a system that is both manageable and scalable.
  • HTML and CSS: The basic components of full-stack programming are HTML and CSS. You’ll always require HTML and CSS with frontend development, regardless of the backend programming or platform you employ.
Backend Software
  • Django: Django would be a Python-based web programming platform. It promotes practical design and speedy implementation.
  • Ember.js: For developing contemporary online apps, Ember.js would be a common choice among software developers.
  • Lodash: Lodash would be a functional programming-based JavaScript library. It assists programmers in writing concise, manageable code.
  • React: React is now a JavaScript library maintained by Facebook that would be used to create single-page and mobile apps.
  • D3.js: Data-driven documentation, or D3, is a JavaScript toolkit for creating compelling data visualizations in browsers. It enables developers to have complete control over the graphics.
  • Package Managers: A file manager would be a program that allows you to build programming procedures and import quantities of resources.
  • Databases: Full-stack developers employ a variety of databases, including Cloud Server, NoSQL, Lightweight as well as Archive, and Relational Database.

c) Basic Frontend Deployment 

You’ll need to understand how to launch your frontend webpage once you’ve figured out what methods or technologies you should master for frontend development. There are several paths to take, and a few of these are listed here:

  • Enrollment of a domain name (Namecheap, Domains, Google, etc.)
  • Hosting that is taken care of (InMotion, Bluehost, Hostgator, etc.)
  • Hosting permanently (Netlify, GitHub Pages)
  • Hosting for Emails (Namecheap, CPanel, Zoho Mail)
  • Encrypt, Cloudflare, and Namecheap all provide SSL certificates.
  • FTP (Application Programming Interface), sometimes known as SFTP (Secure File Transfer Procedure), is ideal for smaller apps.
  • For the sophisticated program, use SSH (Secure Shell).
  • Git and the CLI

Frontend development encompasses all of the tools, methods, trends, and stages we’ve explored thus far.

d) Frontend Framework and State Management

Select a frontend paradigm to improve your skills, and attempt to select one currently being used by most enterprises. Learn about public administration as well. It is done in a variety of ways, depending on the framework. Here are some common architectures and state controllers for 2022.

  • React: React is the most common web development package to learn, and it’s quite simple in contrast to other web frameworks.
  • Vue: Vue is becoming more popular, and programmers may also want to understand it. Compared to React and Angular, Vue is the simplest to learn.
  • Angular: Angular would be a framework that is commonly utilized in major companies. It has a rather gradual development cycle. To operate with Angular, you’ll need to learn TypeScript.
  • Svelte: Svelte is a function Object [native code] that has gained much traction in the last two years. It has a fairly simple adjustment period; however certain larger programs may be challenging.

e) Optional to Learn

You may study TypeScript, which would be a major programming language in the business. It’s a JavaScript specialized version that helps your program be more reliable and less difficult to perform. For big projects, TypeScript is ideal.

Find out what server-side processing is and how to use it. The frameworks that enable you to execute React, Vue, and Angular on the domain controller are NextJS (React), NuxtJS (Vue), and Angular Ultimate (Angular). Better SEO, Memory Management Routing, Automatic Coding, Swapping, Static Transferring, CSS in JS, and many more improvements are included.

Gatsby (Respond differently), Gridsome (Vue), 11ty (JS equivalents to Jekyll), Jekyll (Ruby Based), and Hugo are all static site builders (Go-based).

f) Server-Side Language (Choose One)

You should be familiar with at least a major server-side programming language. The following are some alternatives for selecting a language in 2020:

  • NodeJs (Not a language but a runtime environment)
  • Python is a programming language (Good for absolute beginners)
  • Java (Good for a large organization)
  • Php (Good for freelancing)
  • Ruby (Not much popular in 2020)
  • C#
  • Kotlin
  • Golang
  • Deno

Learning sequence diagrams would ask you to write modular, bug-free, and well-structured code. It will hasten the development of your product.

g) Server-Side Framework (Choose One)

Choose one of the foundations for your translation once you’ve learned one server-side programming of your choosing. You have the choice of picking one of the alternatives listed below.

  • Node.js– Express, Koa, Adonis, Feather.js, Nest.js, Loopback
  • Python: Django, Flask,
  • Java: Spring MVC, Grails
  • PHP: Laravel, Symfony, Codeignitor, Slim
  • Ruby: Ruby on Rails, Sinatra
  • C#: ASP.NET
  • Go: Revel

h) Database (Choose One)

Most online programs require a data storage area. Certain technologies or languages work well with specific databases in various instances. We’ll talk about several popular platforms for 2022.

  • RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is still the most widely used database.
  • PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MS SQL are still the most popular databases.
  • MongoDB, CouchDB, and Elasticsearch are examples of NoSQL databases.
  • Firebase, Microsoft Could DB, and AWS
  • Lightweight Databases & Caches: Redis, SQLite

i) Testing

Many developers disregard testing because they believe it is a pointless exercise. Still, we encourage you to master it to save time and effort and simplify your job as a programmer.

  • End-to-End Tests
  • Unit Tests
  • Integration Tests

Testing frameworks for several languages are available, such as Jest and Mocha for JS Testing and PyTest and Robot for Python.

j) Content Administration

You should learn more about the software package if you’re a freelancer. A content management system (CMS) is used to add material to your application or website. The ability of clients to edit their material is fantastic.

  • WordPress (PHP), Drupal (PHP), Keystone (JavaScript), and Enduro are examples of areas CMS (JavaScript)
  • CMS without a user interface: (Getting popularity in 2021) Dynamic and interactive web pages,, Strapi, and are a few examples.

k) Deployment & DevOps

A separate team in most firms usually handles DevOps. As a result, understanding DevOps is entirely optional. If you’re operating on your project, you can learn this. Learn how to launch your application to the server using the information provided here.

  • Hosting Platform: Heroku, Digital Ocean, AWS, Azure., Linode
  • Web Servers: NGINX, Apache Containers: Docker/Kubernetes, Vagrant
  • Image/Video: Cloudinary, S3
  • CI (Continuous Integration)/CD (Continuous Delivery); Jenkins, Travis CI, Circle CI

Step 4. Determine Your Ideal Timeline

How quickly would you like to get your first entry-level programmer job after finishing your studies? Creating a specific timeframe, like your prior talent evaluation, might assist you in deciding on your educational path. Think about the following issues:

  • Are you eager to attempt part-time classes while working full-time?
  • Would you like a full-time, rigorous study that allows you to get a job as soon as possible?
  • Do you favor more hands-on, skills-based, or traditional, theory-based training?
  • What educational option will greatly promote your studies without jeopardizing your accountability?

It might not be easy to begin a new fitness program if you’ve already committed to a full-time job or household obligations.

Step 5. Start Learning in a Format That Suits You

1. Boot Camps

By finishing a boot camp, you’ll have learned the essential skills, built crucial business connections, developed an excellent coding portfolio, and equipped yourself for the hiring process.

2. Self-Guided Courses

 For incoming students, there are many instructor-led and self-led virtual courses to choose from. Compared to boot camps, self-guided classes provide far more flexibility and a cheaper cost – while some are free.

3. Degree Programs

For aspiring developers, four-year degree programs represent one of the most prevalent training opportunities.

As per Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developers Study, almost three-quarters of experienced programmers globally have a degree in computer science or above, with 49.3 percent having merely a bachelor’s.

4. Tutorials and books

If formal classes aren’t your thing, you may master full-stack expertise on your own by referring to books, instructional videos, and other media.

According to Stack Overflow’s 2020 survey, eighty percent of 46,384 engineers believe the education system is “quite essential.”

  • The Full-Stack Developer by Chris Northwood.
  • Eloquent JavaScript by Margin Haverbeke.
  • ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 by Valerio De Sanctis.
  • Full-Stack React Projects by Shama Hoque.

Step 6. Begin Building Your Portfolio

Employers do not schedule interviews deliberately turn folks down, despite what a disappointed job seeker may believe. From a rational perspective, an employer believes you’re the best candidate for the job. You must show them as much proof of your talents as possible.

That’s why brochures are so important: they give recruiters an initial impression of you. Utilize your portfolio to highlight any work that you’re extremely proud of.

Step 7. Start the Job Search

You’re prepared to start job seeking once you’ve developed a profile with two or more professional work. Although it may seem intimidating, the correct CV and skill set might draw a prospective employer’s attention.

Make a point of defining your professional objectives ahead of time, getting input on your cover letter, and tailoring your CV to the opportunities you’re applying for. Connect to firms personally, visit career fairs, and register for regular job notifications instead of relying on internet searches.

Step 8. Do Well on the Interview

1. Refresh Your Coding Skills

A technical section will be included in almost all full-stack programming interviews, allowing the prospective employer to assess your present skill level. Practice on social media platforms such as HackerRank and LeetCode regularly.

2. Prep for Behavioral Questions

Hiring managers are looking for someone who will fit into the corporate working culture well with anyone, not just a coding genius.

Prepare responses ahead of time that demonstrate how you cope with stress, job conflicts, and daily obstacles. To avoid being off guard, familiarise yourself with the most prevalent behavioral inquiries.

3. Prepare for Verbal Explanations

Live-coding and flowcharting are almost common in the tech business. Explain your thought pattern and how you arrived at a resolution during a whiteboard activity. Managing code operation isn’t enough; you also need to know why it works the way it does.

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Full Stack Development for Your Career 

The whole creation of a software program is known as full-stack development. They keep hold of the design process’s database, display, and logic levels. Here are five compelling reasons to pursue a career as a full-stack technician:

1. Versatility is the key to full-stack development.

Because the web development process is constantly changing, full-stack developers must constantly learn new programs, languages, and technologies to stay current and competitive.

2. There is room for multidimensional growth

IT firms are no longer looking for specialized positions. Full-stack developers usually start at the bottom of the corporate ladder and work their way up as their technical abilities improve.

3. Full-stack development has become one of the most well-paid professions.

One of the highest-paying careers in the globe involves full-stack development. Full-stack management is a critical service in all industries, along with its influence on marketing and sales.

4. Assists in the faster completion of projects

If you’re a full-stack programmer, you should be experienced in communication, as the position requires effective communication with team members to simplify the design process.

5. Prime requirement with greater accountability

Full-stack programmers can operate on both the client and server sides of an application. This allows the developer to have more impact on the product and much more artistic control.

Disadvantages of Being a Full-Stack Developer

  • Inability to keep up with current trends and technology.
  • Too much information may be a curse at times.
  • Integration by full-stack programmers is difficult.
  • The procedure is slowed.
  • The number of stacks is growing.

Different Software Stacks a Full Stack Developer Needs 

1. LAMP Stack

LAMP Stack

The LAMP stack would be one of the most widely used open-source program stacks for developing online websites and applications. It’s straightforward to set up using Tasksel and a few instructions. LAMP stands for Linux Operating System, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Linux is the software platform, Apache is the server, MySQL is a database system, and PHP is a programming language. All of the webpages that Linux hosts are built on this basis.

2. MEAN Stack

MEAN Stack

MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js are the acronyms for MEAN. It’s a mix of JavaScript and other techniques. It is frequently referred to be the optimal JavaScript stack. The design of such a stack makes it simple to create JavaScript webpages and web apps. MongoDB becomes a spreadsheet application, Express would be a Node(.js) web application framework, and JavaScript is served via Node(.js).

3. MERN Stack

Mern Stack

MERN stack refers to MongoDB Express React (a JavaScript library on the client’s end) Node stack, a variation of MEAN stack. These are the four main platforms that help the Stack. The MERN stack would be a full-stack framework for building interactive web interfaces.

6 Essential Tips for Becoming a Full Stack Developer 

Now that you’ve decided to pursue the most sought-after full stack developer position, here are some helpful hints for becoming a professional full-stack developer:

  • Find Your Market segment: Although a full-stack programmer wears many hats, it’s important to determine your strengths and use them to further your profession.
  • Master the Fundamentals of Front-End Technology: The quality of your groundwork will be determined by your understanding of the foundations of full-stack programming. Because frontend engineering determines the customer experience, it is essential to grasp the subject thoroughly.
  • Learn Your Programming Skills: Rather than attempting to learn all of the general-purpose language groups, the strategy is to focus on a few key languages and platforms, including Python, among Ruby.
  • Make Sure You All know How to Use Programming Frameworks: Development paradigms such as Hypernate, JAVA Monsoon season, MyBatis, yang, and others are included with the most advanced languages. The goal of these frameworks would be to make your tasks easier and can save you time.
  • Grasp the Fundamentals of Design: While being an amazing designer is not required, having a basic understanding of the designing process is always useful for one full-stack developer.
  • Have a good understanding of databases: Full-stack users’ actions technology to store all the data generated and ingested during the design process. Traditional, NoSQL, or NewSQL systems are all possibilities.

Paid & Free Resources For Learning 

You’ll probably need some help to learn what we’ve spoken about thus far. All you have to do now is choose one and begin studying.

Courses Available Online

  • HTML, CSS, React, and NodeJS are all part of full-stack web development (Udemy)
  • Professional Full Stack Programmer – Nanodegree Certification Full-Stack Website Development Program with React (Coursera) (Udacity).
  • (LinkedIn Learning – Lynda) Free Full-Stack Development Course
  • GitHub Repositories
  • Course for Full Stack Developers
  • Path to becoming a full-stack web developer

How Can We Help You?

In addition to the growth, career progression, yearly income increases, and reputation, full-stack programming is now the most appealing position in the IT business. To become a computer programmer, you must start with the correct training program. With project-based learning, we provide full-stack programming career programs. These intense six-month bootcamps, conducted by industry professionals, ensure employment within three months. They cover all of the hot abilities, offer you access to advanced study resources, and set up interactive sessions.

Wrapping Up

A full-stack programmer is capable of doing almost anything. This is a route you may also want to follow if you appreciate being innovative and a motivated individual, as well as trying to discover how different things function together. Although many job descriptions state that a computer science degree would be required to get recruited as a full-stack programmer, some people would argue. We think all you require are abilities and initiatives, which may be acquired via the construction of projects.

Many surveys have been conducted recently on if a CS diploma is required for employment as a developer. However, many people who have been employed disagree. The post below demonstrates everything.

Frequently-Asked Questions (faq’s) On How To Become a Full-Stack Developer

What are the prerequisites for becoming a full-stack developer?

To be a full-stack developer, you must thoroughly grasp frontend, backend, and database programming. A full-stack programmer is a design team member familiar with all three major aspects of web development.

Can I become a Full Stack Developer without any experience?

Yes! Full-stack engineers work on both client-side and server-side software. Therefore they’re involved in every stage of the development process. This raises their worth in the eyes of technology organizations, willing to pay a premium for high-quality full-stack engineers.

What skills do you need to be a full-stack developer?

Frontend technology, programming languages, data systems, basic design abilities, servers, working with APIs, and operating systems are all essential talents for a Full Stack Developer. A Java full-stack programmer may work on the front end, back end, database, APIs, webserver, and configuration management of whole Java projects.

Which Full Stack is best?

Java has ideally suited for desktop graphical user interface (GUI) apps, mobile apps, business applications, integrated devices, and middleware. On the other hand, Python excels in experimentation, pattern recognition software, operating systems, cognitive development, gaming, and graphic design/image processing.

Is a full-stack developer a good career?

Java has ideally suited for desktop graphical user interface (GUI) apps, mobile apps, business solutions, integrated devices, and middleware. On the other hand, Python excels in prototyping, machine learning software, operating systems, literacy skills, games, and graphic design/image analytics.

How long does it take to become a full-stack developer?

With devoted studies, you may also become a full-stack developer in 3–6 months, depending on your work rate. Please remember that your education does not finish after this initial training term.

Is there a demand for a full-stack developer?

Full-stack programmers are in great demand since they are a tremendous addition to any business. Their broad expertise enables them to be adaptive, flexible, and adaptable, which are crucial for collaborating on software solutions in both the startup and non-startup worlds.

What is the full-stack developer’s salary?

The average yearly income for a Full Stack Developer in India is 6.6 lakhs, with salaries ranging from 2.5 lakhs to 17.1 lakhs. Salary projections are based on Full Stack Developer salaries of $91,000.

Ganesh Tharol

Ganesh Tharol's expertise in programming allowed him to streamline his workflow significantly. A hunt for new opportunities led him to cloud computing. When it comes to AWS, Ganesh Tharol is a full-stack DevOps with exceptional development skills, as seen by his many certifications and successful developments.
