Ruby on Rails, sometimes known as “Rails,” is a free and open-source framework for developing web applications. One of the main factors for programmers to learn Ruby is that it’s the most widely used Ruby framework. In addition, modern web apps might have several levels and be quite sophisticated. Rails provide a pre-built development structure and all the tools you need to construct a web project, simplifying web development.

We’ll examine the applications of Rails, its benefits and drawbacks, and the types of employment you may obtain with this knowledge in this post. Then, we’ll demonstrate how to use it to start creating your online applications.

What Is Rails or Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails, sometimes called rails, would be a server-side web design and development platform created by David Heinemeier Hansson alone under MIT License. It would be built with the Ruby programming language. It implements the model-view-controller (MVC) paradigm, which gives databases, websites, and web applications a basic structure. It also employs responsive designs like JSON or XML for data transport and HTML, CSS, and Java for the user experience. The usage of different well-known web development patterns and frameworks, such as: 

  • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY): It is a software development philosophy that seeks to minimize the repeating of data or codes.
  • Convention Over Configuration (CoC): It offers a variety of viewpoints on the best ways to carry out certain tasks in a web-based application.

Although Ruby on Rails was initially released in July 2004, it did not give commit entitlement until February 2005.

Features of Ruby on Rails

With both the front and backend, Ruby on Rails is a complete version of creating web applications. Other frameworks are either exclusively for the back end or the front end. Among Ruby on Rails’ key attributes are the following:

1. Model-View-Controller

(MVC) is a three-part architecture Ruby utilized on Rails. In this case, the model could be used to establish the connection between an instance and a server. In addition, the view would be a set of frameworks for creating data traffic for software applications, and the control system would be used to combine the prototype and the user.

2. Active Records

Ruby on Rails introduces the active record architecture. It is a strong library that enables the developer to create dynamic data structures.

3. Built-In Testing

Ruby on Rails has tests that could run against your code. Both time and effort will be saved.

4. Programming Language

Since the phrasing of such Ruby programming language resembles English, it may be simpler to organize your thoughts and translate them into code. It makes the Ruby on Rails syntax simple.


#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

print <<EOF
   This is the first way of creating
   here document ie. multiple line string.

print <<"EOF";                # same as above
   This is the second way of creating
   here document ie. multiple line string.

print <<`EOC`                 # execute commands
 echo hi there
 echo lo there

print <<"foo", <<"bar"  # you can stack them
 I said foo.
 I said bar.


This is the first way of creating
her document ie. multiple line string.
This is the second way of creating
her document ie. multiple line string.
hi there
lo there
I said foo.
I said bar.

5. Meta-Programming

Ruby on Rails can use the metaprogramming method for creating apps.

6. Convention Over Configuration

Ruby on Rails only allows programmers to declare the software’s unusual features.

7. Scaffolding

Ruby on Rails has a tool called scaffolding that allows the developer to specify how the program database functions. The foundation automatically creates the necessary code following the definition provided when the program database’s function has the definition.

Why Choose Ruby?

No one would be acquainted with Ruby’s benefits if not for Rails. Without Rails, Ruby would be useless. The laws of website design have changed thanks to efficient frameworks nowadays.

  • High-performance web systems are generally built using Ruby on Rails.
  • various Programming duties for a software system are always a good choice.
  • Since Ruby on Rails employs a small amount of code, finding and fixing mistakes is simpler.
  • As standardized frameworks and coding methods are adhered to, Ruby on Rails conventions make it simpler for developers.
  • Additionally, it is well-known for its faster software creation and ease of modification with necessary adjustments.
  • Ruby places a lot of emphasis on testing procedures. For developers, it undoubtedly provides a superb testing framework.

Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails

Ruby has a lot of benefits, but it also has a few disadvantages that you should be aware of before using it.

1. Runtime Speed

Runtime Pace Compared to Node.Js and Golang, Ruby on Rails runs more slowly.

2. Limit of Adaptability

As we all understand, Ruby on Rails is perfect for common web applications, but it is difficult to customize and add special project features.

3. Boot Speed

Another flaw with ROR is its slow boot time. It takes a while to start because of the reliance on the volume of gem prerequisites and files, which might hinder developer functionality.

4. Documentation

Finding adequate documentation for lesser-known gems and libraries that frequently employ mixins can be challenging.

5. Multithreading 

Ruby on Rails enables parallel computing, although certain IO libraries may not because they maintain the global operator lock, which prevents them from supporting it.

6. Active Record

The realm remains closely tied to your permanence system due to the accessible use of Written records in the ROR and hard reliance.

What Are Rails?

Ruby on Rails

Ruby-based Rails would be a framework for developing web applications.

  • It is a web application framework that is incredibly productive.
  • David Heinemeier Hansson created the Ruby code.
  • Comparing Rails to a normal Java framework, you could create web applications at least 10 times faster.
  • Ruby is an open-source framework for creating web apps using databases.
  • It also uses data structure to configure the code.
  • No compilation stage is necessary.

What Types of Projects Is Ruby on Rails Best For?

Depending on its objective, you may or may not be the best option for your web project. The projects that Ruby on Rails is particularly well suited for are listed below:

  • eCommerce
  • Gateways to information
  • Platforms for stock exchanges
  • Web platforms and dating sites
  • Social media.
  • Difficult, unconventional projects.
  • SaaS-solutions

Some Famous Applications Built on Ruby

Rail is a platform with tools to facilitate development, and Ruby is an object-oriented programming language. Therefore, Ruby on Rails would be a framework that makes it simple and effective to construct apps. We will now walk you through several well-known Ruby on Rails-built applications.

1. GitHub


With more than 20 million members and even more than 57 million accounts, Github (previously known as Logical Awesome LLC) is the biggest repository hosting service.

Ruby on Rails was used to create this user-friendly and sophisticated website. According to reports, GitHub received $250 million in Series B financing in July 2015. 

2. Shopify


Probably one of the best e-commerce systems is Shopify. The webpage’s Ruby on Rails design enables the challenging task of addressing the demands of millions of clients from around the world.

3. Hulu


The most popular site for watching your favorite TV series and movies is Hulu. Hulu was ranked as the sixth-best website for watching internet videos 10 months after its introduction. With a 2% market share of all videos watched, it also has 227 million referral traffic.

4. Airbnb


The name Airbnb, short for “Airbed and Breakfast,” gives us a glimpse of this website for booking hotels online. Again, Ruby on Rails was used to create a website that links hosts and visitors worldwide.

5. Yellow Pages

Yellow Pages

This website has gained the status of a phone book, saving millions of trees. It is also the world’s most well-known local commercial listing. One of the best Ruby on Rails web pages, managed by IT&T, is allegedly Yellow Pages.

6. Dribbble


Dribble would be a popular platform for all types of developers, including professional designers, brand designers, graphic artists, and illustrators. It was founded in 2009 utilizing the Ruby on Rails foundation, and the center of design and art is Dribble.

7. SoundCloud


One of the corporate juggernauts today, SoundCloud, was created using Ruby on Rails. It offers a wide range of appealing features, including the ability to post podcasts, browse through millions of music from around the world, create blogs, and store favorite audio files.

8. Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg

Anyone aspiring to manage their website’s substance and construction must visit Crazy Egg.

9. Goodreads


You would be familiar with Goodreads since you’re a reader. However, the book paradise portal for all users is this Ruby on Rails-based website.

10. We Heart It 

We Heart It 

The Ruby on Rails image-based online platform is called We Heart It. This program has a huge global audience because it is accessible in 23 languages.

Wrapping Up

The Rails program was projected in 2004, and the Ruby language dates back to 1995. With new trendy technologies sometimes appearing, the world of web development develops quite quickly. Because it enables us to create unique applications quickly, Ruby on Rails would be one of our go-to alternatives for various tasks. Furthermore, as a basis for enhancing technically challenging web applications, RoR is well known. With all of its benefits, Rails would be a powerful enough technology to create MVPs that meet the market’s needs, establish wonderful examples, and be utilized by big businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ruby on Rails

Is Rails and Ruby on Rails the same? 

Programming is not what Rails is. A web framework is Ruby on Rails. Although custom application platforms like Rails don’t have their language, they nonetheless employ developer-written scripts. Ruby is the programming language used by Rails.

What language is used in Ruby on Rails? 

It integrates the Ruby web application with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create web programs that run on a web server. Ruby on Rails would be known as a back-end or server-side web design and development solution since it operates on the website.

Is Ruby on Rails like HTML?

 Ruby on Rails would be a powerful web development technology that gives HTML, CSS, or JavaScript a back-end component.

Should I learn Ruby before learning Rails?

If you’re a beginner to Ruby, you should take Ruby language classes before taking Rails courses because if you don’t, you’ll have trouble understanding the Ruby code as you go on to more difficult problems.

Can a beginner learn Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails must be one of if not THE finest beginner-friendly structures in use because of its robust industry and simple workflow.

Ganesh Tharol

Ganesh Tharol's expertise in programming allowed him to streamline his workflow significantly. A hunt for new opportunities led him to cloud computing. When it comes to AWS, Ganesh Tharol is a full-stack DevOps with exceptional development skills, as seen by his many certifications and successful developments.
