The concept behind building a custom Shopify dropshipping app is straight to meet dropshippers’ specific goals and focus on their pain points. Dropshippers usually need help with inventory management, limited functionality of stock apps, manual order processing, providing personalized experience, and limited access to data and analytics.

A custom Shopify Dropshipping app emerges as a valuable tool for well-established dropshippers. It allows them to improve their branding and user experience, enjoy data-driven decision-making, improve scalability, increase efficiency with automated features, and attain competitive advantages. 

Whether you are a dropshipper looking to meet specific needs, have a growing dropshipping business, or are a tech-savvy entrepreneur, you can also create a shopify dropshipping app. 

How to build a custom Shopify dropshipping app? 

This blog post provides relevant information on how to dropship on Shopify, why to choose this eCommerce platform, features to consider for custom shopify dropshipping app development, benefits, top features, steps to build, challenges to confront, and more. 

Why Choose Shopify for Your Dropshipping Business?

As we all know, various eCommerce solutions may strengthen your dropshipping business, but Shopify constantly stays ahead of the curve, and it’s a widely accepted eCommerce platform for merchants. 

Let’s check out a few reasons that will prove this fact.

1. Perfectly Feature-Packed

Shopify comes with various features that help in eCommerce business development. Additionally, Shopify eases its users in handling marketing, sales, and payments. 

2. Dropshipper-Friendly

The best thing about Shopify is that it’s a friendly eCommerce platform specially made for dropshipping. 

3. Easy To Use

One of the most user-friendly solutions, Shopify comes fully packed with amazing features and functionalities, but the best part is that it never gets overwhelmed. The brand guides the merchants in the working of its software perfectly.

4. App Store

Dropshippers can choose any dropshipping app per their requirement from the Shopify App Store, whether it’s for order fulfillment, inventory management, or customer service. 

5. Directly Connect with Dropshipping Supplies

Varied Shopify apps let users connect directly with popular dropshipping suppliers, permitting them to import product data easily, handle inventory levels, and automate order fulfillment using the app. 

6. Subscription-Based Models

Shopify provides leveled pricing plans where users can choose the features they want and pay for them only. 

7. Secure Shopping Cart

With Shopify, dropshippers can create a secure shopping cart for customers that incorporates features such as abandoned cart recovery, discount codes, and varied payment gateway integrations. 

8. Marketing and SEO Tools

Shopify comes with tools that help dropshippers optimize their store for search engines and attract new customers. They can also integrate extra marketing apps from the Shopify app store for advanced functionalities. 

9. Security Features

Shopify prioritizes users’ security by adopting measures that safeguard their store from unauthorized access and fraud. 

The pointers mentioned above clearly state that conducting dropshipping with Shopify can be the right decision for developers. 

How To Dropship on Shopify?

New and established businesses can easily launch their dropshipping store on Shopify while focusing on sales and brand expansion. 

Below are three ways, opting you can start dropshipping on Shopify: 

1. Connect your store to an automated dropshipping application 

You can easily start your dropshipping business leveraging dropshipping apps crafted for Shopify. Such apps let you connect your store with a direct network of suppliers to ease order management. 

2. Directly partner with a supplier using Shopify and easily manage your products

Direct connection with a supplier can give you more control than a dropshipping app. You can use Shopify to exhibit and sell your products and foster relationships with suppliers. 

3. Append items to your current product line with Shopify Collective

Shopify merchants can expand their product range utilizing Shopify Collective, which permits them to sell in partnership with other Shopify brands. You only need to list and sell your products from another Shopify store, and upon arrival of orders, your partner store fulfills them. 

Create a Shopify store and connect dropshipping apps to customize products, find suppliers, and improve your product pages. 

What Is A Shopify Dropshipping Mobile App?

how Shopify Dropshipping app works

Shopify dropshipping apps are best for e-commerce store owners looking to run their online store with no hassle in managing the inventory of products they sell. Despite that, by developing a Shopify dropshipping app, they can connect with store owners (suppliers) who handle an inventory and ship orders (products) directly to customers.

Here, let’s unveil the dual concept behind the Shopify dropshipping mobile app. 

Mobile App for a Dropshipping Store –  Mobile Version of Online Stores

A custom mobile app crafted specifically for Shopify dropshipping stores. Customers use it to browse products, add items to their cart, and directly checkout from their tablets or smartphones. 

Mobile Apps for Shopify Dropshipping Management

You can find such third-party apps on the Shopify App Store and integrate with your existing Shopify store. Thus, you can easily handle your dropshipping business from your mobile device. 

Such apps aim to provide functionalities for merchants that can help them manage their dropshipping businesses. 

We can say that a Shopify Dropshipping mobile app is a custom mobile storefront for customers or a mobile management tool for dropshippers. 

Top Dropshipping Tips For 2024

From 2024 to 2023, the global dropshipping market will likely grow by 22.8% every year. 

Dropshipping is easily accessible, and this makes it a hyper-competitive section. You need to perform every groundwork to make your dropshipping business thrive in the market. 

Here are the top 10 dropshipping tips for 2024: 

1. Carry the Load of Supplier’s Mistake

Any supplier can make mistakes, and as you are running a dropshipping business model, chances are high that you have to face fulfillment issues with time. 

You can:

  • Acknowledge it as your fault
  • Nullify the error by offering something to customers (like refunding the shipping fee)
  • Ask your reputable supplier to fix their errors

2. Inventory Level Management

While you run a successful dropship business, at a point of time, you may find it challenging to manage inventory with a single supplier. 

You can:

  • Opt for multiple suppliers
  • Sell only easily available products
  • Write a generic product description (to fulfill orders from any supplier having an identical product)

3. Smart Orders Fulfillment

Having multiple suppliers to fulfill an order may make you muddle while choosing the right one. 

You can:

  • Route all orders to a preferred supplier
  • Route orders to the nearest supplier from your customer
  • Route orders depending on item availability
  • Route orders to the supplier with items at the lowest price

4. Implementation of Security Practices

Security is a priority for any online business. The goal is to keep customers’ information safe and maximize its use to optimize business operations and strategies. 

You can:

  • Store credit card numbers of customers (as you are the host, there will be no security issue)
  • Opt for measures that can prevent fraudulent orders

5. Write an Effective Return Policy

You need to study deeper to know how suppliers deal with returns. 

You can:

  • Offer free returns to stand out 
  • Don’t pass restocking fees (suppliers charge) to your customers

6. Opt for Simple Shipping Rules

Calculating shipping rates for dropshipping business owners can be a big mess. It can be challenging to calculate shipping rates based on multiple locations. 

You can:

  • Get a real-time quote (considering items’ collective weight and shipping destination)
  • Set per-type rates (type of product will decide shipping rates)
  • Offer flat-rate shipping

7. Provide Expected Customer Support

Using an Excel spreadsheet to manage customers’ emails, returns, and requests wouldn’t be a perfect plan, especially for growing dropshipping businesses that can lead to issues and service delays. 

You can:

  • Implement a help desk
  • Write FAQ articles

8. Choose to Provide Phone Support

If you are bootstrapping your dropshipping business while working other part-time jobs, you won’t be available to offer phone support. But full-time work can make this feasible for you.

9. Aim at Marketing

Sales depend on your online store’s discoverability, so you need to focus on marketing. 

You can: 

  • Start with SEO
  • Run Facebook Ads
  • Target audience with Google Ads

These are the top tips you can consider for running your dropshipping business and making it flourish in the market. 

Benefits Of Developing A Shopify Dropshipping Mobile App

A Shopify dropshipping app development benefits merchants running dropshipping businesses. 

1. Increased Efficiency and Time-Saving

Leveraging Shopify dropshipping mobile apps, businesses can manage orders, get real-time inventory updates, have a streamlined reorder facility, and communicate smoothly with customers and suppliers, all done directly using smartphone apps. 

  • Saves time
  • Accelerate response times
  • Avoid stockouts and delays

2. Enhanced Customer Engagement and Sales

Using a dropshipping app, merchants can easily send targeted promotions and flash sales. Such an app also eases the integration of loyalty programs or recommends products based on purchase history. 

  • Drive sales and increase revenue.
  • Foster customer loyalty and repeat customers
  • Strengthen brand identity

3. Potential Competitive Advantage

With a Shopify dropshipping mobile app, dropshippers can differentiate themselves from businesses that rely only on a mobile website. These apps offer personalized and conveyancing features that make customers choose your store over others. 

  • Offer unique customer experience.
  • Foster brand loyalty

The Best of the Best Advantages:

  • Lower development cost compared to a custom app development
  • Shopify API to keep the app updated 
  • No need for technical expertise to build an app

The benefits of Shopify dropshipping app development mentioned claim it would be profitable for businesses to build one for their venture. 

Shopify Dropship App – Which Development Approach You Should Follow?

In this competitive world, it’s important to develop a feature-packed application solution that allows suppliers to share their inventory with the supplier and generate orders from their stores. To develop such a customized Shopify dropship app, you may use the technologies below:

  • For the dropshipping product interface, you can use YII 2.0.
  • For synchronizing data between retailer store and supplier store you may use Shopify AI and Shopify hooks.

Top Features Of A Custom Shopify Dropshipping App

After going through a series of development processes and rigorous testing, the customized Shopify dropshipping app allows the client to access the following features:

  • In the Shopify dropship app, suppliers can easily use the Shopify admin functionalities to set up their products. The app also syncs the default Shopify inventory updates directly and offers them to retailers who use this app in their Shopify stores.

    Shopify admin functionalities
  • Next, suppliers are enabled to use the default Shopify admin interface to receive and manage orders. Next, these orders are synced automatically and created per the orders the retailers have received using the app in their Shopify stores.

    Shopify admin order management
  • Ahead, the client can access a minimal interface for retailers so that they can browse the supplier
    inventory and select the products they want to add to their Shopify app.
  • The supplier can then set up product shopping costs directly from the Shopify admin panel.
  • The retailer may define an amount of commission for a product.
  • Lastly, instant and automatic payouts are made to wholesalers and retailers once a customer buys a product.

The suppliers can convert their current store into a dropshipping channel to target retailers who are selling goods in the same product niche. This develops an easy dropshipping channel that conducts organized operations and leads to improved ROI.

How To Get Started With Shopify Dropshipping Mobile App Development?

While starting with a Shopify dropshipping mobile app development, you must follow the steps mentioned below. 

Let’s get started: 

1. Determine Your Needs and Goals

To break new ground, start by defining the app’s features that can be helpful for your business, like inventory tracking, customer engagement, or order management. Also, be clear with your target audience and the mobile shopping experience you want to offer them. Finalize the budget, timeline, and resources you want to allocate for custom Shopify dropshipping mobile app development and ongoing maintenance. 

  • Identify features and functionalities.
  • Find your target audience.
  • Fix budget and timeframe.

2. Decide Your Development Approach

You can either develop an app using the resources and tools Shopify offers if you have the technical expertise or hire a team of mobile app developers for a custom Shopify dropshipping app development if you have the required budget. One more option is available: low-code/no-code app development. You can build an app for your dropshipping business by choosing a specific platform. 

3. Design and User Interface (UI/UX)

Before you finalize your dropshipping app, create interactive prototypes and mockups to visualize its layout, functionalities, and user flow. Also, ensure your application is intuitive, user-friendly, and optimized for different mobile devices. 

  • Wireframing and prototyping
  • Aim at usability

4. Development & Testing

In this stage, you will build your app following your chosen development approach, including writing code, creating features, and integrating functionalities. Choose Shopify APIs and 3rd-party services to connect with your app to enhance its functionality. Alloq QAs will conduct rigorous testing of your app on varied devices and operating systems to ensure its security, functionality, and seamless user experience. 

5. Deployment and Maintenance

Once you develop your dropshipping app, submit it to the respective app store for publishing. On approval, deploy your app following the applicable process and guidelines. Update your app regularly by incorporating new features and security patches and addressing and fixing bugs. 

  • App store submission
  • Ongoing maintenance

A custom Shopify dropshipping app development demands careful planning, perfect resource allocation, and regular maintenance, 

Connect with a Shopify development company to get Shopify dropshipping app development services and build an app that can make your dropshipping business thrive. 

Challenges and Possible Solutions You May Face During Shopify Dropshipping App Development

Dropshipping Simplified

Every cloud has a silver lining. Simply put, when you know a Shopify dropshipping app can be beneficial for your business, you must be aware of the challenges that may hinder your pathway. 

We have listed some major challenges and possible solutions that you can consider while building a Shopify dropshipping mobile app. 

1. API Integration Complexity

Without technical expertise, integrating a complex Shopify API with your app to add new functionalities may be challenging. 

Solution: Hire a Shopify app development company with the required experience that meets your relevant needs. 

2. Data Compliance and Security

Without payment card industry standards, you may be unsure of data storage, compliance, and transmission. 

Solution: Implement strong security measures, like user authentication and encryption, and opt for payment processors that follow PCI compliance standards. 

3. Ongoing Maintenance

Maintaining the app by fixing bugs, updating, and regularly modifying Shopify API demands extra effort. 

Solution: When fixing your budget, consider the maintenance factor. Ask the app development team you hire to take responsibility for ongoing maintenance. 

4. User Adoption and Engagement

If you are building an app for dropshippers, it can be difficult to encourage users to download and use your app. 

Solution: Build a marketing plan for dropshippers. Incentivize them to download your app and underscore its unique benefits. 

These are the hurdles that may prevent you from building a Shopify dropshipping app for your business. 

Also Read: How to Submit Your App to Shopify App Store

Shopify As An Inventory Management Tool

Inventory management is crucial for running an effective eCommerce business. A good system will offer you insight into your inventory and help you understand when to restock all your products.

You can focus on your inventory turnover through inventory management and emerge with the right amount of stock you keep in your warehouse. This will prevent deadstock. This is essential for businesses that sell perishable goods, like drinks and food.

While the application is developed especially for Shopify retailers, the decision to pick Shopify as the admin interface is your call. This means that it depends on a supplier which CMS he chooses to manage his inventory and order fulfillment, including WooCommerce, Magento, OpenCart, BigCommerce, or even a customized inventory management system.

The Inventory management tool is not connected to the Shopify dropship app you develop, as its API is only used to synchronize data with the Yii-based intermediate app.

In this particular use case, the client prefers using Shopify’s admin capabilities to manage suppliers’ inventory. You can also use Shopify API and hooks to sync your stored data with the data of all the retailers’ stores using the plugin through the Yii-based web app.

How Can We Help You With The Shopify Dropping App Development?

When hiring a company for Shopify dropshipping app development services, look for the experience they hold in Shopify, past work, and client reviews. 

Being a leading Shopify development company, EmizenTech can help you build a Shopify dropshipping app that suits your project needs and objectives. 

The Shopify experts at EmizenTech help with custom Shopify dropping mobile app development or assist you with low code/no code app development platforms. 

Key Highlights of Choosing EmizenTech for Custom Shopify Dropshipping App Development

  • Competitive Pricing
  • On-time Project Delivery
  • Within Budget Assistance
  • Faster Time-to-Market
  • Worldwide Clientele
  • Engaging Portfolio
  • Positive Customer Reviews
  • Team of Certified Shopify Developers


A custom Shopify dropshipping app development can be a valuable investment whether you are a startup or a well-established dropshipper looking to elevate efficiency, boost sales, and catch up with a competitive edge. 

Choose any development approach and kickstart your journey to dropshipping app development. It will be best to opt for Shopify dropshipping app development services from a reliable company and build an app that can stay competitive and drive sales. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you make money with a shopify dropshipping mobile app?

By managing your dropshipping business using this app, you can offer a better mobile shopping experience to your customers and boost your sales. 

Why do people use the Shopify mobile app for dropshipping?

People, usually dropshippers, use such an app to manage their dropshipping business on their phones and easily manage orders, suppliers, and inventory.

How much does it cost to create a shopify dropshipping mobile app?

To find out the exact cost of building a custom Shopify dropshipping app, contact a Shopify consulting company and describe your project needs.

Ajit Jain

Ajit Jain has been working as a Magento specialist for quite some time now, and he has all the credentials to back up his claim to the title. In addition, he has extensive experience in designing and implementing high-performance, integrated, and complicated eCommerce systems. He has evidently used his talent to great effect at Emizentech in the Adobe e-Commerce development solutions.
