Shopware  v6.4.18.0 is out now! 

Let’s check out what it has brought for us. 

Permit Country Address Modification 

The upcoming version, v6.5.0.0, will not keep the country addresses fixed. You can change it in Admin Settings by drag-drop address elements. 

Go to Admin Settings > Counties > detail page > Address tab

You can find the address elements that are stored as a structured json in 


You can find the default structure in: 


Add A Custom Element With The Help of An Extension 

  • Through the placed twig files in


plugins can define their custom snippets. 

You can refer to the default Core address snippets in 


  • Instead, you can use the respective mutations. 

Deprecated manifest-1.0.xsd

The team of Shopware experts ought to release a new XML schema for Shopware Apps with the approaching major release. In the new schema, the team will separate two deprecations from the current schema. 

  1. For the element “module,” attribute “parent” will be essential.

The users need to ensure that all their admin modules hold this attribute set as described in Shopware’s documentation

  1. For the element “action-button,” the attribute “openNewTab” will be removed. 

The users need to ensure that from their “action-button” elements, the attribute openNewTab is removed in their “manifest.xml and choose to use ActionButtonResponses instead as it’s described in Shopware’s documentation

  1. Deprecation of “manifest-1.0.xsd.”

Users should update the attribute “xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation” of their “manifest” root element to

MessageQueue Deprecations

For v6.5.0.0, the Shopware team will remove their wrapper around the Symfony messenger component and also pull off the enqueue integration. That’s why the team has deprecated various classes for the encryption handling and retry; as for that, they will use Symfony standards. 

Also, the Shopware team deprecated the 


Instead, the users need to implement the directly. 



class MyMessageHandler extends AbstractMessageHandler
    public static function getHandledMessages(): iterable
        return [MyMessage::class];

    public function handle(MyMessage $message): void
        // do something


class MyMessageHandler implements MessageSubscriberInterface
    public static function getHandledMessages(): iterable
        return [MyMessage::class];

    public function __invoke(MyMessage $message): void
        // do something

As Shopware experts, EmizenTech provides top-notch Shopware Development services to help you build a unique, engaging, and high-converting online store. Contact EmizenTech today to learn more and get started with Shopware.

Ganesh Tharol

Ganesh Tharol's expertise in programming allowed him to streamline his workflow significantly. A hunt for new opportunities led him to cloud computing. When it comes to AWS, Ganesh Tharol is a full-stack DevOps with exceptional development skills, as seen by his many certifications and successful developments.
