Finding and hiring a Node JS developer can be a little difficult, however with the right system and careful preparation, it can be done successfully. In this article, we have covered everything vital that makes the process of hiring Node JS developers effective and successful. So, let’s find how to complement your team with developers that well-suit your project and its needs. 

What Is Node.Js?

An open-source JavaScript runtime environment and library, Node Js is used to develop and run io-intensive web apps. This is an ideal ecosystem for data-intensive apps as it uses an asynchronous, single-threaded, event-driven model. Node Js is used to execute and run web apps outside a client’s browser. This environment is based on V8, which is an engine developed by Chromium Project for the web browsers like Google Chrome & Edge. 

When a user interacts with a web app, he is only interacting with the app’s front-end; however, there is lots of work going behind the scenes. So, there is a front-end, a database, and a server in a web app. Here the front-end is developed using JavaScript and frameworks like React and Angular JS, whereas the server is created on Java, Node.js, or PHP, and backend database that stores data, and it usually consists of MongoDB or MySQL. 

Next, let’s understand how Node JS can be beneficial for your web development support.

Why Node.JS Is Popular Among Developers & Programmers

Node JS has gained immense prominence for its ability to well execute JavaScript coding outside a web browser. Software engineers across the globe are also using this open-source, cross-platform, high-performing, backend runtime environment every day in a number of projects across the globe. As per the CEO of Hackerank, Vivek Ravishankar, JavaScript has been the most-used programming language since the year 2019. Similarly, Node JS programmers gained immense popularity as many companies are using this runtime to backup their JavaScript code. Several giant platforms like eBay, LinkedIn, Trello, and Netflix, are using Node JS to build their primary & mobile apps.

Due to this reason, there is a huge demand for Node JS engineers, and hence it is become quite challenging to hire a professional developer. 

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Node JS Developer

1. Easy & Simple Hosting

This platform consistently integrates new features and functionalities that benefit individuals who provide PaaS (platform-as-a-service) services to minimize waiting times. This is a major reason why open-source software development companies pick Node JS for web development purposes. 

2. Effortless Sharing

The ease of sharing NPM (Node Package Manager) that comes with this Node JS framework is one of the major reasons why many web development companies prefer this over other frameworks. With Node JS, anything can be shared quickly, and this increases the pace of other development operations. For instance, many Node JS developers utilize NPM for sharing resources while working on a team project. Also, NPM allows to effortlessly manage and deploy code. 

3. Cost-Effective

With Node JS, organizations require to use less computation power to host the web apps. Also, this framework is faster when compared to the other frameworks. 

4. Real-Time Applications

This framework allows for the creation of high-performing apps with fast results. The apps built on Node JS can simultaneously perform a number of activities. Its single-threaded and event-driven design allows processing a number of concurrent requests without distressing RAM. 

5. Enables Single Codebase

A number of frameworks use different programming languages for client-side and server-side web development; however, Node JS differs as it enables developers to use a single codebase for building code for complex web app development projects. With numerous frameworks integrating several languages, businesses must go with developers fluent in more than a single language. 

6. SEO-Friendly

SEO has a vital role to play in web app development, as the websites benefit immensely from improved visibility owing to Node JS backend rendering. This occurs for search engines to efficiently optimize React Projects. Owing to the great speed & performance provided by Node JS, it is considered an ideal framework to enhance SEO techniques. 

7. Easily Deploy Web Apps

Apps built on Node JS are easy-to-deploy as the framework allows developers to quickly complete and test all the aspects of a web app. The framework is great for a number of PWA development organizations as it speeds up the final deployment of web apps. 

All in all, the Node JS app on both ends has numerous benefits. 

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Things To Consider When Hiring Node.js Developer

These are some skills that, as a recruiter, you have to make sure the Node.js developers should have. 

1. Optimum Experience 

The more experience a Node.js developer has, the more he will be confident to handle your projects. So look for a person with the optimum experience with all its tools and components.

2. Decent Knowledge of Frameworks 

There are multiple frameworks available in Node.js, though it is crucial that the web developer you hire is familiar with a variety of frameworks. So, do ask for knowledge of the framework. 

3. Error Handling skills 

A major step in creating software and apps to work properly is error handling. The Node.js developer thus has to know the basic problem-solving techniques like syntax manipulation and troubleshooting. 

4. Soft Skills 

Technical skills are necessary, but it is also necessary to have proper skills as an individual to communicate clearly with others about the project details. You should look out for soft qualities like teamwork, communication skills, tolerance, etc.

How to Hire a Node.js Developer?

To find a Node.js developer, the things to start your journey are mentioned below. 

1. Clear About the Vacancy Description 

Create a job description for the profile from where the candidate can know the requirements, the future responsibilities, and the advantages the company is offering. Here is a small introduction to how you can make a description.

  • First, describe the company 
  • Tell about the projects and the existing team
  • List all the technical requirements for the candidate, such as experience, education, portfolio, and other which is needed. 
  • Soft skills required for the job 
  • The responsibility of the candidate 
  • Benefits of being part of the team

2. Search on Different Platforms

  • Freelance Services 

There are multiple freelance platforms available where you can get the developers; the site contains the individual projects completed, ratings, and reviews from the client.

  • Software Development Company 

Go for the best software development company, sort some top ones, and you can recruit a good developer in significantly less time, as many processes can be eliminated, such as viewing portfolios, interviewing, and more. 

  • Social Networks

Social Networks such as LinkedIn are great for searching for an appropriate candidate. There are thousands of profiles worldwide, and you can sort them as per your requirements. 

3. Prepare for The Interview

The hiring process often includes two interview rounds mainly: HR and Technical Round

  • HR round- It is a basic round in which the candidate’s communication skills, goals, expectations, and education are checked by the HR professional, who judges if they are suitable for the technical round or not. 
  • Technical round- After the HR round, selected candidates now have to be available for the interview. The main purpose of the interview is to determine if the candidate fits the requirements of the team with the assigned task. The questions related to the previous work experience and the projects they have worked on are asked by the candidate and assigned with the assignment related to checking understanding and selecting the one who meets your expectations. 

4. Provide Feedback

Before hiring, the last step is to provide them with feedback. This last step will also include salary discussions, the points of improvement, and what will be learned from joining.

Suitable Hiring Model for Node.Js Developers

Before hiring a Node JS developer, you also need to decide your hiring model, where you can choose between:

1. Fixed Pricing Model

Developers find this model riskier as all the risks are on them. Rather this model is a favorite for those clients who have the opportunity to defer payment. Meanwhile, this model best suits short-term small/medium-sized projects developed in various iterations with a fixed price. It also works for small projects having a limited scope and when there is a fixed/limited budget. For the MVP model having clear project requirements & deadlines, the Fixed Pricing Model works best. 

2. Dedicated Hiring

This pricing model works best for long-term projects where requirements are unclear and constantly vary. This model also works great when the client’s own team lacks the skills or expertise in certain areas. The pricing model for dedicated teams is monthly payment as per the team size that includes fixed service costs. When working with a dedicated team, the client can interact with the dedicated team and control the project development process. 

3. Time & Material

This model involves payment for time and effort spent on web app development. It is quite common in outsourcing and is considered convenient, pretty flexible, and adaptable to changes. For the budget, the actual cost might differ from the estimated cost, and the payment is made monthly as per the actual work performed. The time and material model ideally suits long-term projects with changing requirements. It is suitable for the projects whose requirements change as per the business needs and those depend on the market situation, and for those the comprehensive specification is not well-defined. As compared to the fixed pricing model, this model has some flexibility. 

What Is The Skill Set Required In A Good Node.js Developer?

Prior to hiring Node.js developers, there are two main categories of questions to be asked in real-time:

1. Hard skillset

It is vital to ensure that the full-stack developer who is being interviewed for the job possesses the skills necessary for your web apps development projects, such as AWS, PHP, and V8 JavaScript engine, Angular, npm, front-end & back-end development, and sometimes Python. When candidates are asked questions regarding Node.js and JavaScript (like environment features, creating a cross-platform iOS or Android app, frameworks, functionality, API, or Agile), it verifies the hard skills of the candidate. 

2. Soft skillset 

Once the skills of the candidate have been examined, it is time to discuss and quiz them to verify their background and cultural fit. This is a great way to check whether the candidate is a great team player who will fit into your company. How well the candidates are able to communicate, and their emotional intelligence quotient tells a lot about their soft skills. 

How To Interview Node.js Developer?

There are a number of aspects that are to be taken into consideration while interviewing a candidate for Node JS web app development:

1. Education 

It is vital for a Node.js web app development candidate to be knowledgeable of Node JS frameworks, such as Express, StrongLoop, Sinatra, and Rails. Also, they should be proficient in RESTful APIs and API communications. It also helps to have a good grasp of Asynchronous Programming and Its Workarounds, such as understanding the nature of Non-Blocking I/O or Asynchronous Programming. The candidate must also excel at writing efficient codes and be well-versed with Database Scheme Creation for Business Processes, like SQL, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. Besides, it is an added advantage if the developer is experienced in client-side and other Node.js frameworks, like React, Blaze, Meteor.JS, and Angular. JS. 

2. Certification

Often, people debate over the significance of certification when a person is already great at coding. However, many begs to differ as acquiring certificates shows the willingness of the candidates to learn. Software development is a field that is constantly evolving, and there are new innovations taking place constantly; hence it is important to pick candidates who are eager to learn new things. 

3. Experience

With experience comes expertise. Thus, it is important that companies evaluate the previous experience of candidates in Node.js development projects. It was in 2009 when Node JS was introduced; hence 2-3 years of experience is what the companies should look for in the candidates for Node.JS web app development. The experience greatly impacts the quality and speed of software development, and it is important that the organizations evaluate projects executed by developers during their experience. The candidates must have ample experience in development, bug-fixing, error-handling, handling timelines, managing databases for business, and much more. Also, look for how the developer contributed to the existing public domain Node JS projects. 

4. Previous Projects

 Just as mentioned above, examining the previous projects handled by Node JS developers allows you to understand how proficient they are at their work. 

5. Client Reference

As you look at their past work section on the resume of Node JS developers, you will get to find the projects they have worked on, so contact their previous clients to get feedback on their performance. 

6. Small Assignment

It is suggested to assign a small assignment to the candidates as that is a great way to test their specific knowledge, skills, and problem-solving efficiency. 

Where To Hire An Expert Node JS Developer?

When you are hiring a Node JS developer for your firm and looking for solutions based on geography, then there are three different employment types that can be used, such as: 

  • In-House Hiring
  • Freelance
  • outsourcing software development

Some of these employment states are more beneficial for most companies, but each has its pros and cons.

1. In-House Web App Developer

When hiring an in-house developer, the company has to pay a monthly salary and all the worker benefits, both financial and non-financial. Precisely, in-house is a conventional hiring model and best suits those who are looking for a new addition to their company’s office crew. Also, in-house most certainly works when a company is launching a big project that requires frequent updates, post-launch support, and maintenance. Having an in-house team ensures there is well-established communication, and the company can resort to them at any time as they are their own employees. The best places to find the in-house Node JS developers are Stack Overflow, Indeed, Hired, and Glassdoor.

However, in-house is not an ideal solution for those looking to reduce their expenses, as it is an expensive solution, mainly for development companies in the USA and Western Europe. 

Advantages Of In-House Web App Developer

  • With this model, the company has more control over the development process as they can personally supervise each and every development process. It is easier to regularly stay in touch with the employees and get updated every hour if desired.  
  • Lesser scope for misunderstanding as having the same approach and speaking the same language makes working together easier and leaves lesser scope for misunderstandings.
  • Increased involvement: When you have an in-house Node JS developer, s/he will work exclusively for your web project, and hence they will be fully committed and involved with it. 

Disadvantages Of In-House Web App Developer 

  • The company ends up spending a lot of money on recruitment, equipment, and company benefits.
  • It lacks scalability and flexibility in the sense that you must ensure that the people you’re hiring have relevant projects to work on for at least 3 to 4 years. 
  • The developers might find a better job opportunity and leave your company. 

2. Freelancing

A company can choose to hire freelance Node JS developers from platforms such as Toptal, Codementor, Freelancer, and Upwork. In this employment type, the company is needed to only pay for the job done along with the platform’s commission. Hence, if looking for a short-term collaboration, then this employment type works best. It allows saving on the cost, and access range of professionals and much more. However, this employment type has its pros and cons, such as: 

Advantages Of Freelancing

  • It is a cost-effective solution as the company is only paying for the work done.
  • There is a big talent pool, and you can choose to work with the professional of your liking.

Disadvantages Of Freelancing

  • In this employment type, the company is required to evaluate the Node JS professionals themselves.
  • The freelancer might be unable to meet deadlines as they are working on multiple projects from multiple companies simultaneously. Issues like project delays or cancellations are pretty common with freelancers.
  • There is a probability of an unexpected absence.
  • Issues like language barriers and lack of cultural fit as freelancers are not part of the company.
  • If an issue arises, there is no follow-up on the web development project.

3. Outsource To Agency

Outsourcing is when the company chooses to outsource the web app development work via hiring outsourcing services. This is a simple process where the company can contact a web app development firm with expertise in Node JS and can meet your project requirements. Once hired, the outsourced development team remotely works on the Node.js projects. 

Outsourcing is more affordable than in-house hiring and offers a better solution for companies in search of a permanent team of Node.js developers. It is also a safe way of hiring as each team member signs the NDA (Non-disclosure agreement). 

Advantages Of Outsource To Agency

  • This is cost-saving, time-saving, and flexible as it doesn’t need recruitment, training, paying salaries.
  • It offers access to a pool of talented and trained professionals willing to turn your web app idea into a reality. 
  • The development team consists of dedicated project managers, hence allowing you to focus on your core expertise.
  • It offers great scalability; hence it is a faster way to market your web product.

Disadvantages Of Outsource To Agency

  • Developers might lack institutional knowledge of your company.
  • It could be expensive to expand your team with Node.js developers, but that depends on the number of hours needed to finish the project. 

How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Average Node JS Developer?

The cost of hiring an average Node JS developer depends on the type of employment chosen and the Node JS programmers’ Hourly rate & Salary worldwide.

Node JS developers in the US and Western Europe charge much more than the Indian developers; however, this difference in hourly rates means compromise with professionalism or skillset of developers. For instance:

  • In the USA, the Salary of Node.js developers is $105K, for skills, it is ranked at 28th place 
  • In Ukraine, the Salary of Node.js developers is $67K, for skills, it is ranked at 11th place
  • In India, the Salary of Node.js developers is $25K, for skills, it is ranked at 31st place

How Can Emizen Tech Help You Hire A Proficient NodeJS Developer?

You can greatly benefit by partnering with EmizenTech for your Node JS projects. Ours is a leading software development firm with a team of talented professionals. We work for both small-scale and large-scale projects in the area of web and mobile app development and UX/UI design. Our Node JS developers are recruited very selectively once we are assured of their skills, expertise, and experience. At EmizenTech, we ensure regular communication with the clients to keep them updated about the app development. We adhere to the industry’s best practices that allow us to create a valuable project and scale it without affecting the app performance. 


Hiring Node.js developers is surely a tough and time-consuming top, but once businesses get their hands on the correct procedure, they can benefit from multiple projects and a variety of app development. They have capabilities to create server-less, real-time, and many other apps. 

Are you also thinking of hiring a Node.js developer for your project? Consult EmizenTech today and get the best developers with a hassle-free process.

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EmizenTech's Mobile App Development team is led by Naren Bhati, who designs and develops technically innovative solutions for our global clientele. He has the technical expertise to steer our app development team on the right path.
