While turning back time, you will remember how traditional on-premise software deployments resulted in various pain points for businesses, deviating them from aiming at their core competencies and making them worried about IT infrastructure management. 

Businesses using on-premises software deployment approaches were experiencing high upfront costs, scalability challenges, limited accessibility, security issues, and more. 

With the surfacing cloud service models in Salesforce and other giants, like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, etc., businesses got an opportunity to blaze a trail. 

In this post, we will learn how Salesforce’s cloud service models help address and overcome these limitations. 

Let’s gear up!

What Are Cloud Service Models In Salesforce?

A leading cloud-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform, Salesforce arrives with diverse cloud service models to meet different business needs. 

Users don’t have to install software on their computers or manage their servers. Instead, they can access Salesforce’s cloud service models applications and data directly via the Internet, just like social media platforms or Gmail. 

Let’s categorize these models below:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 

You can make the best use of a robust CRM platform, Salesforce, without carrying a load of managing IT infrastructure. 

Three Types of Cloud Service Models In Salesforce are:   

1. Software as a Service (SaaS) – Rent a Software 

SaaS is a cloud-based software delivery model where providers host the applications, and users access them over the internet via their mobile app or web browser. 

Characteristics of SaaS 

1. Centralized Hosting – Software and its data stay on the provider’s servers.

Example: Google Workspace

2. Subscription-Based Model – You must pay a subscription amount based on your software usage.

Example: Dropbox

3. Automatic Updates – The provider manages software updates and maintenance. 

Example: Gmail

4. Scalability – SaaS apps are highly scalable, facilitating companies to  (users) add or remove users and manage their subscriptions according to their requirements. 

Example: Salesforce CRM

5. Multi-tenancy – Software’s single instance servers multiple users (tenants), but data is separated, ensuring privacy and security.

Example: Gmail

6. Accessibility – Users can access SaaS applications with an Internet connection from any device. 

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2. Platform as a Service (PaaS) – Get Tools and Resources for Custom App Development

A cloud-based development environment, PaaS lets businesses build and deploy custom applications with no need to manage fundamental infrastructure. Essentially, it offers the required tools and resources for application development. 

Characteristics of PaaS 

1. Development Environment – Offers a stack of frameworks, programming languages, and tools developers employ to build custom apps. 

Example: Salesforce AppExchange. 

2. Scalability – Comes with the resources that hold the caliber to scale up or down as the development needs deviate. Thus, developers can aim to create apps without fretting about server capacity. 

Example: Heroku

3. Diminished Infrastructure Management – Businesses don’t have to manage any infrastructure, like storage, networks, or servers, as the PaaS provider is responsible for that. This frees the teams to target core development jobs. 

Example: Google App Engine

4. Integration Capabilities – PaaS platforms usually offer pre-built integrations with varied databases and services, streamlining the development process. 

Example: Microsoft Azure 

5. Aim at Application Development – PaaS permits developers to focus on developing the application concept and functionality without involving infrastructure management. 

Example: AWS Elastic Beanstalk. 

3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Rent Virtualized Computing Resources

A cloud-based delivery model, IaaS offers virtualized computing resources based on user demand. Businesses don’t need to purchase and maintain their physical hardware; they can opt for IaaS and rent the basics of a computer system, such as storage, server, and networking. 

Characteristics of IaaS 

1. Virtualized Resources – You get virtual machines (VMs) that give you the experience of working with physical servers. Users need to install their operating systems and software on such VMs. 

Example: Amazon Web services EC2 service

2. Scalability – IaaS provides high scalability, allowing users to add or release resources as their computing needs vary easily. 

3. Management Accountability – Unlike other cloud models, PaaS and SaaS, IaaS allows businesses to manage their operating systems, data security, and applications on rented infrastructure by installing security patches on their VMs. 
4. Control – Businesses get top-level control over their basic infrastructure with IaaS. They have root access to their virtual machines and can manage them as required.

Differences Between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS

After going through detailed information about Salesforce’s cloud service models, it’s time to differentiate each. 

Here, we have curated a table showcasing the difference between these three models for your better understanding: 

FeatureSaaS (Software as a Service)PaaS (Platform as a Service)IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
Service ModelOffers ready-to-use software applicationsProvides a platform for creating custom applicationsOffers virtualized computing resources (storage, servers, networking)
User ResponsibilityAccess and use the softwareDevelop, deploy, and manage custom appsManage operating systems, data, and applications
Level of ControlLeast controlMore control than SaaS, but less than IaaSMost control
ScalabilityHighly scalable (add/remove users easily)Scalable by modifying resources allocatedScalable by providing extra virtual machines
CostPay-as-you-go according to the usageDiffers based on resources used and app complexityPay-as-you-go for infrastructure resources
ExamplesSalesforce, Dropbox, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Heroku, AppExchange, MendixMicrosoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), 
Suited forBusinesses of all sizes require pre-built applicationsBusinesses needing custom applications or integrationsBusinesses with customization and high-control needs

We hope this tabular representation of differentiating SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS was easy to grasp for you. 

Contact a Salesforce consulting company for assistance if you are still in a muddle. 

How To Choose The Right Cloud Service Model?

Picking the accurate cloud service model relies on your specific business priorities and needs. 

Let’s discuss the factors that drive a perfect choice for cloud service models for your business: 

1. Development Needs

If you need standard functionalities, SaaS would be the right choice, and for custom app requirements, PaaS is better. 

2. Level of Control 

  • For high control over your IT environment, security configuration, and OS, go for IaaS.
  • For moderate control and ease of use, PaaS would be the best choice. 
  • For limited control and easy usage, businesses opt for SaaS. 

3. IT Expertise

  • IaaS demands specific expertise to manage OS, VMs, and security.
  • PaaS is best for businesses with less IT staff. 
  • SaaS is ideal for companies with minimal IT requirements.

4. Scalability Needs

  • IaaS offers the most flexibility, allowing businesses to adjust resources per their needs.
  • PaaS also offers scalability for applications but may need provider intervention. 

5. Cost Considerations

  • IaaS for variable costing that fluctuates due to resource usage.
  • PaaS and SaaS are chosen for subscription-based concerns. 

Tip*: A quick-decision making table below:

Development NeedsPre-built SolutionsCustom Applications (easier than IaaS)Custom Applications
IT ExpertiseMinimal IT NeedsModerate IT Expertise RequiredStrong IT Team Required
ScalabilityScalableScalable with some management overheadHighly Scalable
Cost ConsiderationsSubscription-BasedSubscription-BasedVariable Costs

Tip: *Who manages what? Let’s have a quick scan:

Going through this table, you can understand how you, as a user, manage the models. 

Resources SaaSPaaSIaaS
Servers VendorVendorVendor
Network ResourcesVendorVendorVendor
Operating SystemVendorVendorUser/You
Management and Development ToolsVendorVendorUser/You
Data CentersVendorVendorVendor

How Can EmizenTech Help You?

Salesforce consulting companies can assist you in choosing an appropriate cloud service model. EmizenTech is one of the leading Salesforce consulting companies that will understand your Salesforce requirements and leverage expertise in cloud technologies to guide you in picking the best fit. 

Key Highlights of Choosing Emizentech 

  • Map your cloud model needs.
  • Understand your business requirements.
  • Consider scalability and growth.
  • Offer security expertise.
  • Integration consideration.
  • Cost optimization.

EmizenTech acts as a reliable advisor throughout your cloud selection process and, thus, bridges the gap between your business requirements and the technical aspects of models. 

The decision will be all yours, but you will find EmizenTech standing beside you during the selection process. 


A stitch in time saves nine! Ensure that you choose the best-fit Salesforce cloud service model for your business, which suits your development requirements, IT expertise (you have), scalability, cost consideration, and level of control you want. Thus, you can kickstart your business with a foolproof plan that can’t get a hit back. 

Hire a Salesforce consulting firm and find the apt cloud service model in Salesforce!

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With a decade of experience in eCommerce technologies and CRM solutions, Virendra has been assisting businesses across the globe to harness the capabilities of information technology by developing, maintaining, and improving clients’ IT infrastructure and applications. A leader in his own rights his teammates see him as an avid researcher and a tech evangelist. To know how the team Virendra can assist your business to adopt modern technologies to simplify business processes and enhance productivity. Let’s Talk.
